Join us on Saturday, February 10th from 9:00-11:00am mountain time over zoom where you will deepen your meditation practice as we explore the topic of spiritual awakening. You don’t need to live in a cave to experience spiritual awakening - greater peace and joy are available to you right where you are, as you are.
Awakening begins when we find ourselves in considerable pain and begin to move through it. For many of us, this begins in childhood and unfolds throughout adulthood. Emotional pain indicates something to be investigated and opportunity to grow. And our inner investigation is what accelerates us into greater peace, love and understanding.
The experience of awakening is similar to when a limb falls asleep - you don’t know it’s asleep until it starts waking up. And we might naturally assume that the painful sensation of pins and needles means something is getting worse. But in reality, it’s a sign of more awareness flooding in to what had been numb. The discomfort (stress, anxiety, sadness, anger, fear, apathy…) dissipates once we understand, accept and allow what is, as it is. You then begin to experience a higher state of consciousness that dances in this world with more curiosity, ease and levity.
Join me over Zoom on Saturday February 10th, from 9:00-11:00am mountain time (11:00-1:00pm eastern), where you will accelerate your spiritual awakening through healing meditations, introspection and conversation. All you need is a pen, a notebook and a comfortable, private space where you can listen, share and strengthen your meditation muscle.
Registration is $100 and you will receive a recording of the class (so if life happens you can participate async when it is convenient for you.) All experience levels encouraged! I look forward to seeing you there!!